Interview in Superstition Review
A few months ago I had a lovely email from Britney Gulbertson, one of the interviewers for Superstition Review. She had read my story, "Chicks," which was published a few years ago in the South Dakota Review, and then looked up more of my stories. She said she liked my writing, which got a big smile from me. I love it when I get a compliment like that, love it when anyone says they like my writing. But when it's someone who doesn't know me, doesn't know the sound of my voice or my face or where I come from, well, that's pretty nice because it means it's purely about the writing.
Britney asked if I'd be willing to be interviewed for Issue 7 of the online magazine. OF COURSE! Then the questions came along and I got to really think about why I did certain things in my stories. It was fun and I said a lot. Here's a link to the interview if you'd like to know a bit more, and also if you'd like to check out this fine publication.